2 1 Ju n 20 02 Convergence of the Poincaré constant
The Poincaré constant RY of a random variable Y relates the L2(Y )-norm of a function g and its derivative g′. Since RY −Var (Y ) is positive, with equality if and only if Y is normal, it can be seen as a distance from the normal distribution. In this paper we establish the best possible rate of convergence of this distance in the Central Limit Theorem. Furthermore, we show that RY is finite for discrete mixtures of normals, allowing us to add rates to the proof of the Central Limit Theorem in the sense of relative entropy.
منابع مشابه
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The linear δ expansion is applied to the 3-dimensional O(N) scalar field theory at its critical point in a way that is compatible with the large-N limit. For a range of the arbitrary mass parameter, the linear δ expansion for 〈~ φ 〉 converges, with errors decreasing like a power of the order n in δ. If the principal of minimal sensitivity is used to optimize the convergence rate, the errors see...
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ly as 2-cochain: Fa = ρ ∗ ◦ 1 2 (θ − θ)∂i ∧ ∂k = ρ ◦ 1 2 (f )jlθ θ∂i ∧ ∂k (5.85) with θf = θf , or f ′ = 1 1 + fθ f, (5.86) 5.2. ORDINARY VERSUS NONCOMMUTATIVE GAUGE THEORY 99 which we recognize as the noncommutative field strength (with lower indices) for constant f , θ [128]. The general result for non-constant f , θ is thus simply obtained by the application of the covariantizing map ρ (afte...
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